Air purifiers are not effective enough against coronavirus

It seems that air purifiers are not as effective against the coronavirus as the manufacturers claim. Mostly because the filters are about 3 microns but coronavirus is roughly 1 micron.

Even the purifiers with cutting edge tech (HEPA) cannot eradicate the virus on a single air pass, contrary to some of the promotions.

UV filters do not affect coronavirus either, as the purifiers are not fine enough.  The process usually takes about 15 minutes and it is different from virus to virus. Its effect on coronavirus is not known at the moment.

So, it still seems best to stay in a room alone if you are sick and have a window open, cause an open window can clear out a room much better.

Some researchers and scientists even believe that having an air purifier cannot be helpful in preventing people from the virus, as i it can give false sense of security to its users.

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