
Thermic Effect Of Food

Thermic Effect Of Food

Different foods go through different metabolic pathways. Protein contains 4 calories per gram, but a large part of these protein calories is lost as heat when it’s metabolized by the body. The thermic effect of food (TEF) is the amount of energy it takes for your body to digest, absorb and metabolise the food you eat. TEF makes up a part of your daily calorie expenditure (calories out). Certain food types such as protein and complex carbs have a higher TEF than fats or simple carbs because your body has to work harder to break it down, thus spending more energy and burning more calories. Here is the thermic effect of the different macronutrients:


Fat: 2-3%

Carbs: 6-8%

Protein: 25-30%


So protein calories are less fattening than calories from carbs and fat, because protein takes more energy to metabolize. Understanding the thermic effect of food and how it impacts your metabolism is just the first step towards achieving your health and fitness goals. Varying factors affect TEF, primarily the portion size of your meal and its macronutrient composition- protein, carbohydrates and fats- along with your age.




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