Whey Protein

Does Too Much Whey Protein Cause Side Effects?

Whey protein is generally believed to be safe for athletes who…

Precision Fermentation

The main distinction between precision fermentation and general…


Bioprotection refers to enhanced food safety and extended shelf…
effect of acidity on stretch and melt of chees

Effect of acidity on stretch/melt of Cheese

Acidity plays a very important role in the ability of cheese…
Chilling and Freezing

Freezing and Chilling

Freezing and Chilling Food prezervation at low temperature comprises…
lower sodium content of cheesePhoto by Jez Timms on Unsplash

New Research to Lower Sodium Content of Cheese

Excess sodium increases blood pressure and it adds excess burden…
Air purifier

Air purifiers are not effective enough against coronavirus

It seems that air purifiers are not as effective against the…
stretch ability of Pizza Cheese

How is a desirable Cheese Stretch-ability

Stretch-ability is one of the most important functional properties…