Entries by shirin moshayedi

Breakfast Cereals? Healthy or Unhealthy

Breakfast Cereal is made from refined grains, often by a process called extusion (a high-temperature process that uses a machine to shape the cereal). Here is how breakfast cereals are typically made: 1) Processing 2) Mixing 3) Extrusion 4) Drying 5) Shaping   Most breakfast cereals are loaded with sugar and refined grains. Breakfast cereals […]

Whey Protein For Control of Cardiovascular diseases and Diabetes

cardiovascular diseases represent a significant cause of death worldwide, causing 32% of total mortality in 2019. These deaths are even more prevalent in those suffering with T2D (Type 2 diabetes), with the syndrome being a major risk factor for early onset of cardiovascular diseases due to their similar lifestyle risk factor. Diabetes is now recognized […]

Can milk boost cognition?

Recent research conducted at the university of Kanses Medical Center has found that milk consumption can benefit the brains of older adults by guarding against cognitive decline. The KU Medical Center research team found that adults aged 60-89 who drink three cups of dairy milk a day, can boost their brains levels of glutathione (GSH). […]

The role of pH in cheese manufacturing

Increase in pH of cheese results in: Soft body Pasty texture Uncontrolled microbial activity Growth of patogens Growth of spoilage causing microorganisms Bitter flavour Change in enzymatic activity Affect functional properties   Decrease in pH results in: Hard body Grainy Texture Lacks typical flavor with too acidic tone mold growth Affect functional properties   Optimum […]

Thermic Effect Of Food

Thermic Effect Of Food Different foods go through different metabolic pathways. Protein contains 4 calories per gram, but a large part of these protein calories is lost as heat when it’s metabolized by the body. The thermic effect of food (TEF) is the amount of energy it takes for your body to digest, absorb and […]

Common Types Of Probiotics

Common Types Of Probiotics Probiotics are live bacteria found in certain foods or supplements. They can provide numerous health benefits.Your bowels host an estimated 100 trillion microorganisms from more than 500 different species. Your mix of bacteria is unique, like your fingerprint. Sometimes, illness or stress can change the bacterial balance and create digestive and […]

CFU’s in probiotics

Probiotics are foods or supplements that contain live microorganisms intended to maintain or improve the “good” bacteria (normal microflora) in the body. Probiotics are measured in Colony Forming Units (CFU) which indicate the number of live bacteria in each dose. There is no general rule to follow. Most doses range from 1 to 10 billion […]

Boiling Milk

Boiling Milk (Advantages) There are pros and cons to boiling milk. Whether you should boil it depends on what you wish to gain from drinking milk.The boiling point of cow’s milk is around 95 ‘C. Boiling milk is usually unnecessary, as most milk in the grocery store is already pasteurized (to kill harmful pathogens). Thus […]